Matt Landeman

Chief Client Officer

Role on Pets

Ensuring Pets get the very best Dentsu talent and capabilities to drive growth and success


Proud owner of 1 dog, Eric (M), a 3-year-old Havanese.

Liz Chapman

Business Director

Role on Pets

Challenge us collectively and bring the best talent to the table


Sooty; Mimi, who live in perfect harmony so long as there is a baby gate between them!

Matt Willifer

Chief Strategy Officer

Role on Pets

Push the strategic thinking, so that we can drive real behaviour change and business growth


Two wonderful mutts. The calm and stoic Crosby. The frenetic bundle of energy called Blu (named by my daughter after Kendall Jenner’s pet, obvs).

Lisa Crowther

Strategy Director

Role on Pets

To listen carefully to your challenges and translate them into business opportunities, whilst keeping your media culturally relevant and exciting


Two boisterous cats - Seymour Skinner, the Scottish Straight, and Mister, the moggie (unidentified!)

Alex Gardner

Partnerships and Content Lead

Role on Pets

To drive innovation in media and content solutions whilst simultaneously delivering business results for Pets at Home and steps along the transformation journey


Numerous over the years but dominated by dogs, the current incarnation being a lumbering and stubborn 50kg Japanese Akita called Big Red

Deborah Womack

VP, Business Transformation

Role on Pets

Provide insight and guidance that drives growth, improves operational efficiency, and enhances customer experience


Shanxi Lotus Blossom, the Little Girl Bengal Cat